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Friday, January 29, 2010

One Last Breath

Ryan Harris

Deception, treachery, as the once elegant world turns on me, while the aspect of hopelessness unfolds in front of me as I only helplessly watch. I lay, I wait forlorn and futile. The sun still holds up and the moon always raises at night, but I will never quite recover, never forgive. Those dark moments that changed my unrealistic aspect of humanity.
I, one of five survivors, wait in the tranquil mist for extraction, but the aftermath scarred me. A five percent survival rate. One in 13 men would survive, but why me? Most would consider it a privilege, but I considered it a curse suffering this memory the rest of my life. I was shadowed by depression.
It was now five days since the contact with the Devils on Okinawa the other four men I had company with were either dead or dying, except for one. His name was Ben. Raised in Brooklyn and stationed in my battalion after Pearl Harbor. We were survivors stranded in a chaotic environment running low on supplies. We both knew it was coming anticipating another ambush, but not knowing when was dire. Desperate to get out I knew when the time was right it would come. I remember him saying to me. “Aaron I don wanna die.” I assured him, but I knew he wasn’t comfortable as the devastating truth was revealed in my eyes. Nightfall was as short as hours away, but an elegant sunrise cast upon me and my companion. This I considered the best time of the days spent here, however still shadowed in the back of my head was that disturbing question. Will I die? Is this my last sunrise? It was finally dark, I didn’t have a watch, but I could tell it was past midnight. My eyes grew weary, for I had spent the previous hour or so scanning the horizons for hostiles. I revealed movement in a nearby path. I couldn’t quite distinguish it, but that didn’t stop my adrenaline. Ben was still asleep; apprehensive considering he may give away our position, I quickly decided to let him be. I buried myself in a nearby ditch overlooking the path and camouflaged by bushes. I counted my rounds as the single hostile approached, quickly without hesitation I squeezed the trigger whoever he was, he went down fast. I slowly approached the corpse with caution. That was the moment I discovered the horrid truth. I pulled his dog collar and on it was written Private First Class Louis Twain, he died at the age of 19. I searched his pockets and discovered a small photograph of a woman and her child. I pushed my mouth to the ground and began to sob. Careful not to alert any others who may be near.
I wake in morning feeling no different, I am still torn by the devastating action and sure I will never quite recover. Ben wasn’t anywhere in sight, but I was sure He had just departed in search of food. At noon he still hadn’t returned, but my regrets hadn’t either. All sorts of accusations ran through my head, only hurting me more. During mid afternoon I decided to search for him. Hours passed and more depression began to build. Anger and outrage built up in me, as I engaged further and further into the wilderness. Near morning I sight a complex in the distance. It appeared to me a Japanese complex, so I continued towards it. Closer and closer I embark towards it adrenaline rushing through me. In the middle of the camp lay a corpse abandoned and desolated. Rage surged through me I screamed, aware I no longer belonged in this bitter world. I ran never stopping, never looking back, as tears drew from my eyes. Miserable I fall and carry through with what I would have never anticipated, one last applaud to the earth that was once my greatest ally, one last round in my weapon, and one last breath.
I’m never able to accept or endure these treacherous moments, as in the end humanity is the beast that ends me. Yes I understand everything, but It still won’t change. When I pulled that trigger I realized what I had done, but I also discovered the true training wasn’t to act, but to accept my past and my history, because I had layed in bed every night, wondering when my time would come, when the true light would recover and gaze upon me. As the physiological battle slowly killed me. I didn’t even realize what I had until it was all gone. So whoever may be given the privilege to read this note please understand the dire concept of war in honor of those who served and died. This was my odyssey, but what’s yours?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Configuring Leonardo da Vinci

Was mankind blinded, or left in the shadows, still unable to determine its future? Reminiscent towards their past unable to capture an open state of mind, this may have been, but a new period of time was unlocked. Today known as the Renaissance, fully capable of all sciences and all development. I believe Leonardo da Vinci poses a great representation. He said, “I have been impressed with the urgency of doing. Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being willing is not enough; we must do.” He stands distinguished from many as he strives in his journey of experience through the Renaissance.

The Renaissance started in the 14th century, as did Leonardo. He was born April 15, 1452 a descendent of Messer Piero in a small village known as Vinci. This area lay in the region of Florence, Italy. At the age of fourteen Leonardo was sent off to study different skills and applications under the teachings of an artist named Verrochio such as technical skills, for example drafting, mechanics, chemistry, and carpentry, however he also pursued the technique of art in drawing, painting, sculpting, and modeling. Leonardo’s levels of sophistication and experience in the field of art were already more advanced. By the age of twenty he qualified a master in artistry and doctoring, although his father supplied him with his own workshop Leonardo’s relationship with Verrochio was so well they continued to collaborate. Verrochio also introduced Leonardo to the study of anatomy, as he proceeded with his studies he eventually became a master in the function of topographic anatomy. This field featured muscles and tendons. At the age of twenty six he stopped living in his father’s house and moved away. Leonardo da Vinci performed his first recorded painting at the age of twenty one; it was a portrait of the Arno valley. He pursued art and was given many tasks to design portraits, sculptors, and landscapes for many churches and other people, such as Ludovico Sforza the duke of Milan. Leonardo also conducted researches and studies and involving architecture, so in addition he mastered architecture, however in 1499 (the start of the second Italian war) Milan was invaded by the French army and Leonardo left Milan and began living in Venice, there he was employed as a architect and engineer.

The Renaissance period during the late middle ages is said to have began in Florence, Italy, in a region called Tuscany. However I found it coincidental that Leonardo da Vinci was a descendent of this area as well. As it spread throughout Europe its entire civilization was influenced, but by whom may this task have been carried through? Leonardo’s skills and knowledge reflecting development were so broad, yet so precise that Europe’s growth suggests they cast upon many of Da Vinci’s terms and concepts. Judging from his studies of anatomy and engineering his art was simply a mirror reflecting upon his infinite intentions. "His mind and personality seem to us superhuman, the man himself mysterious and remote. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man or universal genius, a man whose seemingly infinite curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and perhaps the most diversely talented person ever to have lived."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Circle of Life

Conflict, betrayal, regret, and anxiety are all devastating aspects of love. Humanity can transform and adapt to positive terms of love as they grow with experience. A rose begins delicate, but it grows anticipating heavy rains, cold weather, and other harsh conditions. People are born with hope and belief that those around them will cradle and understand the fragile aspect of love, but not yet prepared to embrace coming obstacles that they must eventually overcome. Love and birth are two vital components to life itself.

During the early points of the novel Sissy is basically given an inexperienced and slightly obnoxious character, however as the story progresses I feel sympathy for her as she has faced many hardships in her past. I eventually uncover and gain an opinion that she can act mature and civilized when around those she cares for. Sissy is a healthy woman, while she’s had two husbands and become due for eight children (not at the same time). Eight of her children died at birth. After reading that sentence from the book I was almost completely sure that I read the text wrong. After a double look I was very disturbed and flustered, in addition I felt great sorrow for Sissy, but not quite understanding her pain and anxiety.

“Sure I like children. But they got to be my own and not some other bum’s” In a mothers view, the disgrace or but fury they’d feel towards their husband, after discovering how ignorant and defiant he is to the rest of civilization. Sissy’s John doesn’t understand love. Sissy finally decides to adopt a baby from a mother’s abusive father who is destructively starving this sixteen year old minor, while hoping the infant would die during child-birth. The father betrays his own daughter, while he completely sabotages his belief toward love.

At last Sissy’s husband is able to full heartedly confront the baby with embrace and passion. The angelic couple nurtures the delicate new born.

When birth and love are associated harmonically all negative dilemmas are broken, but new challenges approach. A child is eventually able to grasp independence and re-experience the circle of life.

Famous Quotes

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction....The chain reaction of evil--hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars--must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation." Martin Luther King Jr.
"Quarrel not at all. No man resolved to make the most of himself can spare time for personal contention. Still less can he afford to take all the consequences, including the vitiating of his temper and loss of self control. Yield larger things to which you can show no more than equal right; and yield lesser ones, though clearly your own. Better give your path to a dog than be bitten by him in contesting for the right. Even killing the dog would not cure the bite." Abraham Lincoln
"Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished." Confucious


A child is a fragile thing and deserves the best possible environment to reflect upon. Francie is a very optimistic girl, but her surroundings may construct such a contradiction. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is actually a metaphor wisely chosen by the author Betty Smith. I have never read or viewed a book quite like this one. I was puzzled by the level of knowledge the author displayed. How creative, for this metaphor of a tree growing in such a filthy environment applies to Francie being born and raised in the slums of Brooklyn.
The delicate life of a child must be conserved with great care but ultimately, children grow and live their own individual and particular lifestyle. A tree growing in such unsuitable circumstances forms an image of Francie’s current lifestyle.
Francie’s family is poor, her mother Katie cares for her just as any mom should. I was puzzled knowing the agony Francie faced,wondering about her father. For night after night she would ask the same question. "Is dad coming home?" At a certain point her father loses his job. I believe she’s taking more care of him than he is for her. Is that truly a dad’s place in this world? This is a recipe for chaos.
Everyone reflects upon their past, but uses that knowledge to embrace new challenges. Those around one another must cooperate to benefit themselves. Many people have faced great hardships growing up, but it’s is vital that one has these obstacles to overcome, for experience is key to survival.

Innocence to Experience

Humanity strives for success depending on them and development of others, the hardships Francie is privileged to encounter may not guarantee experience, so she grows and adapts to her environment depending on herself, as does a tree growing in Brooklyn. “This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks, bearded with moss, and in garments green, indistinct in the twilight, stand like druids of eld.”This poem from the start of the book symbolizes a holy archetype developing a metaphor between the start of earth and Francie’s future. Francie is like a pines and hemlock indistinct in the twilight, as she harmoniously blends with those close to her. Her family stands the same no matter how significant, or no matter how meaningless, they stand together and grow. As does a tree growing in Brooklyn. Francie will face obstacles and she will understand sorrow, but she will perpetuate and she will gain experience.

Francie may face plenty of obstacles, such as these. “Jan 10. Papa’s sick today. April 2. Papa hasn’t worked for three weeks. There’s something wrong with his hands. They shake so much he can’t hold anything.” I picked a few statements out from Francie’s diary. Her relation with her father is like a nightmare, but she strives to hold onto her father, because the love and passion she feels for him are so strong. Francie’s heart is broken as Johnnie dies in bed during Christmas. A funeral was held for her father, the carriage ride home was shadowed with silence. Even I the reader was depressed, but at this point of the story I believed I understood Francie’s odyssey from innocence to experience, no matter how prepared or how well people anticipated climax’s such as this one, they are never able to accept unforgettable tragedies.

Tragedies and life changing events allowed my experiences and acknowledgments towards A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to be incredibly compassionate, as I found it a contradiction between sorrow and joy reading the flaws and rises to power Francie and Neeley were privileged to encounter. I also recognized how well Betty Smith mastered the control and aspect by which the reader viewed. The novel was fascinating.

"A new tree had grown from the stump and its trunk had grown along the ground until it reached a place where there were no wash lines above it. Then it had started growing towards the sky again." We all, as humanity have a place upon this earth, one we must cherish yet share with our peers and neighbors, but eventually we must all move on and explore, for when we discover we learn, for experience is a truly wondrous element. So let us all embark on our journey we desire as we pass from innocence to experience and finally grow towards the sky again.